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About Us

Columbiaville has grown to become a close community with devoted residents, numerous family events, beautiful scenic views, and a great history, truly making it a nice place to have roots.  Longtime residents along with new community members are united in the effort to preserve Columbiaville's character while encouraging smart growth to ensure the continued vitality of the community.

Columbiaville is located Lapeer County, Michigan and has a population of 777. Our small community hosts many events, year round, including the annual Columbiaville Days Festival, Chili Cook Off, Polar Plunge and much more. 


     We are confident that you will find Hidden hollow Apartments every bit as endearing as the town its located in.  We pay for heat, water, sewage, and trash removal.   Great management and maintenance staff.  We take pride in our communication between residents and staff.  We provide a monthly newsletter filled with exciting news and events.  Barrier free apartments on site.  Rent based on income.





This institution is an equal opportunity provider 

"Esta instituciòn es un proveedor de servicios con igualdad de oportunidades."



©Hidden Hollow Apartments copyright 2015

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